Tablet vs hard copy
Technology vs (opposite of technology)
Technology vs (opposite of technology)
I'm a lover of technology, heck my being born in the 90's was no mistake (oh, you trying to guess my age now ba). Technology keeps evolving and it's awesome. Technology for one helps in making one realize there's a God. Right? I mean if I can communicate with Peju in Australia from Nigeria, should it be hard to believe that I can communicate with a God who is in my heart but I can't see?. Or if an application can tell when you change location, how much more a God?. He created us in His image, so he is the ultimate Creator and we're the mini creators. Explains why we have this things in place, he has giving us the ability to do wonderful things. So where am I going with this? Should we stop carrying our hard copy bibles? This post is inspired my Ola and his crew (the ANT podcast).
So my opinion:
Yea, drop your bible at home and use your tablet. One thing I have learnt from being an IT person is that you never rely on one copy. Have a back up. So my hard copy is my back up for when all soft copies go bad (which would have to be an extreme case). You have your bible on your tablet, phone and lappy. If you lose them all on the same day, then (lol) dunno what could cause that. Maybe you got robbed or an earthquake. But you have to have your hard copy for the most extreme cases. So I for one think taking your tab to church is cool.
"What if a message comes in while you're reading your bible, wont you get distracted?"
When you are with your hard copy, and your phone rings, you get distracted too. If you don't want to get distracted, you put the phone on mute. Same applies to tablet, or you didn't know you could turn off your network?. Your bible does work offline, innit? Thank me later :D.
Every good thing can be abused. The sweeter it is, the worse the abuse but that shouldn't stop us from looking at the advantages of good things. Married people still have sex even though it's been abused. So why shouldn't I use my phone cause others abuse it.
How you gonna bind the devil?
I really didn't know one needed to stone the devil with the bible. I believe all Jesus said was "Get thee behind me", he wasn't busy stoning him. That was a joke someone tried to crack anyway so I shouldn't elaborate. (I have said "so" so many times. *sigh*).
If you prefer holding your hard copy bible, it's cool, at the end of the day, it's what's in our hearts that count. And if you know you like navigating through your phone in church, don't deceive yourself, carry your hard copy.
If you prefer holding your hard copy bible, it's cool, at the end of the day, it's what's in our hearts that count. And if you know you like navigating through your phone in church, don't deceive yourself, carry your hard copy.
So what would you do if technology disappears one day?
It has to be the end of the world and I should be in heaven chilling Actually, my first 4 months of nysc was without technology and it wasn't bad at all. We're built to adapt to changes in the long run.
"Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away." -1 cor 7:31