Recently, a friend told me that I wasn't nice and I replied "niceness is not a fruit of the spirit"
Now people usually try to argue that statement with me and I don't blame them. I, personally didn't agree with the preacher that said it. Well, the examples she gave didn't cut it for me. So I will try to break it down so hopefully it cuts it for you.
What are the fruits of the spirit?
1. Love
2. Joy
3. Peace
4. Patience
5. Kindness
6. Goodness
7. Faithfulness
8. Gentleness
9. Self-control
Nice: pleasing, agreeable, delightful.
So I guess it's safe to say being nice is a good thing.
But agreeable isn't always a good thing if you think about it. You agree to stop talking to someone so you can save your friendship. Yea, you're nice to your friend at that point but keeping malice is wrong.
Someone's spouse is spoiling you everyday and you decide to be nice enough to return the favor and sleep with him/her. Yea, he/she is glad for the reward you just gave them but hey, adultery is still wrong.
Or you were so nice, you got fired at work.
Or you were so nice, you got expelled from school.
I guess the moral of this message isn't don't be nice. But don't let being nice be an excuse to do stupid things.
Everyone is smart enough to know good from bad. But don't let the fact that being nice backfired stop you from being nice when it's right.
Be nice in love. Love knoweth no wrong, it's kind, it's gentle, it's patient (pretty much wraps up everything).
God bless you 😘