Sunday 9 March 2014


I know every youth goes through problems but mine is worse, it has to be the worst. This is my suicide note:

I am still living with my parents. Why am I still living with my parents in my 20's, why won’t I get money every time I need it? When would I make enough to move out of this house. The economy is so bad, no improvement. It’s just so hard to sleep knowing I should be doing way better.

My mates are getting married, am I not good looking enough, and am I not praying enough? So called "Friends" keep praying for me while they fall in love, and keep joking that I'm next when it's obvious no one wants me. They wont even hook me up with their single friends. So selfish, no love for me.

I don’t have a (good) job. One shouldn't live this way, I barely have enough money to buy new clothes to wear to gatherings or eat out on weekends. I can't even give, I have so little, its hard to give

I think I can kill myself now, nobody would miss me, my family would understand, it's hard for them too and I won't draw them back anymore. It's not like I have friends, just 1, 2, ok maybe I can't count but they aren't worth living for.

Note: This is a satire and in nowhere real. You see how ridiculous it sounds? That’s how ridiculous we sound when we have a complaint. Reasons for committing suicide are always as short and selfish; “I was insulted on twitter”, “A lover jilted me”, "my best friend died". I know and hope no one has attempted suicide but we all go through phases that dampen us and think it’s the worst. Whenever in a situation that dampens the spirit, I tell myself three things (1 cor 10:13) and a fourth one when my spirit is ‘violent’ (Mark 11:23):
  1. God won’t put me through what I can’t bear
  2. There is always a way out
  3. It could have been worse and I should be thankful not complaining
  4. If I tell the ‘mountain’(problem) to move and I believe it, it would move

Challenges make you realize how strong you are. Like it could have been a ‘dog’ I had to face but I conquered a ‘Lion’. That’s reassuring and puts a great smile on one’s face.
All we need to do is believe (without faith it’s impossible to please God) it’s for a good cause and be thankful to God every day. Be still and know that he is GOD.

P.S: Have you prayed about it a quarter as much as you've grumbled about it?

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