Monday 17 February 2014

Water yam cake?

"She’s like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises. She’s up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day."

"So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. “Quick,” he said, “get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.”"

"Wisdom has built her house; she has set up it's seven pillars. She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table"

It's the role of a woman to know how to cook. Well, it's part of the things that add up to being a proverbs 31 woman (Super woman, Wise woman, Mrs. Awesome etc.). So in other words, you gotta know how to cook if you want to be a respected family woman.


Today, I tried something different, It's called Ojojo and I think the English name should pass for water yam cake, since akara goes for bean cake. Yes? No? Anyway, I called it different cause we only have water yam (main ingredient) in my house once a year and that's in the month of February(I really don't know why). Water yam is also used to make Ikokore (no English name abeg) but since I'm not a major fan of Ikokore (ok, grated water yam pottage), I decided to fry Ojojo (grated water yam cake

Step 1.
Cut your yam. Water yam looks like the normal yam, just smoother on the outside and you would notice the difference on the inside when cut. Slimy and all
So you slice into small pieces and pill the back like you would do if you want to prepare normal yam.

Step 2:
Grate the yam till you get the size you so desire (I'm not a chef so I cant be precise onto measurement and all that, pardon me)

Step 3: Add your ingredients, in my case, that was maggi, salt, pepper, onions and corned beef.
Step 4: Fry!!!

Ok, sorry. Mix till they blend
Then fry
 Till its brownish gold and voila your water yam cake is ready

Thanks for stopping by. God bless.
As usual, double quotes is for bible passages and they are: Prov 31: 14-15, Gen 18: 6, Prov 9: 1-2

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